While Tyler and I were visiting friends in Atlanta, we decided to make a quick two night jaunt down to Savannah, GA. Tyler had never been before and I knew his Spanish moss loving heart was going to be in absolute Heaven.

We visited in March after the St. Patty’s Day festivities had died down (along with the $$$ hotel rates) and it was the most GLORIOUS weather. Personally, I had never visited Savannah apart from the summer months, when the heat and humidity are at all time highs.
Being able to slowly meander around the historic squares and not feel the constant need to duck into shops for air conditioning was a truly a new way to experience Savannah.

- The Cotton Sail Hotel overlooks River Street. This hotel has a great rooftop bar where Tyler and I enjoyed drinks while watching the cargo ships cruise by.
Shops & Sights
- Wormslow Historic Site for the alley of Live Oaks about a 20 minute drive from downtown
- Savannah’s Historic Squares, there are 22 of them! We enjoyed Calhoun, Chatham, Chippewa and Lafayette
- Jones Street, beautiful historic homes and old trees dripping with Spanish moss
- The Paris Market
- Alex Raskin Antiques