Caswell goes in for physical therapy and rehabilitation with Quartet every few weeks as treatment and maintenance for her arthritis and TPLO surgery. This is something we will do for the rest of her life and if it helps prevent or postpone another orthopedic surgery for us, I am all for it.

She has come to enjoy therapy but it was definitely a process as she prefers to sleep more than any dog I know! She is highly motivated by peanut butter (aren’t we all) and will do just about anything her amazing team asks of her for a steady supply.
She receives laser treatment for pain on her right and left knees and hips prior to the water treadmill. Caswell is quite the character and as the water is slowly filling up, she tries to drink it back down. She has slowly gotten stronger through this therapy treatment and I notice it the most in her speed of sitting and standing.
In addition to the therapy treatments Caswell also receives monthly Adequan shots, as well as Welactin Fish Oil and Dasuquin Advanced added to her food.

I am thankful to have this amazing facility close by and also that we have the ability to provide specialized physical therapy for our girl through our pet insurance. I have raved about Embrace countless times before but if you are looking for a pet insurance company you can count on, I can’t recommend them enough. Embrace did a feature on Caswell earlier this year, view their feature here!