WE’RE ENGAGED!! And I couldn’t have been more surprised! Tyler Hill asked me to marry him with my Grandmom Jones’s heriloom gold diamond and saphire ring on New Years Eve 2016.

After coming home early from the mountains, Tyler asked to cook me a nice dinner for New Years Eve. I suspected n o t h i n g. We cooked and danced in the kitchen and enjoyed a nice bottle of Italian red wine by the Christmas tree. Before I knew it he was directing the conversation to our future and slowly sliding off the couch to his knee with my Grandmom’s heirloom ring in a little box. Tears were shed, Facetime calls were made and then we rushed over to my parents house to ring in the New Year as an engaged couple with my family.

I can’t wait to marry this man in April of 2018! #MakeHerOfficHill