“God’s will is much more about who you are than where you go or what you do.”
A guest speaker at our church this past weekend spoke about God’s will and discerning God’s voice and made that poignant statement written above. I know I am guilty of using “God’s will” to find my way in and out of things by saying I was searching for or found “God’s will or God’s timing” in something. Whether that elusive something be a job or relationship or another big life moment. (Pssst, and I know I am not the only one either…)
More often than not I feel that it’s human nature to be looking for the “next thing” even if you are comfortable where you currently are. For better or worse, it’s difficult in the world we live in to sit in contentment. A world where we see so much of people’s “lives” through a perfectly curated feed. We see people traveling or working remotely rather than in a florescent lit cubicle and it creates a desire within us for more or the next thing.
It’s easy to forget we are called to find fulfillment through Him and that nothing of this world will provide that for us. Not a new city or a new job or another vacation or a new relationship. Things of this world can’t fulfill us and make us happy, they only make us want more. God’s will for our lives is to live them for Him and everything else will be according to His plans, the good, the bad, the challenging and the blessings.
No matter where you are or what you do, it’s who you are in the moments that matter.
I tend to always be looking forward to the next season or chapter rather than truly digging deep in the one I am in. It’s easier than ever for us to live a life full of comparison and in doing so we miss living our own lives. Yes, maybe the next job or city will be better than the one you are in now but you are not there yet for a reason. Strive to find fulfillment through Christ and only then will we be who God’s will intends us to be.